Sunday, 5 August 2012

Day Twenty Eight- 4 Weeks Down... 2 Days to go

Weight: 84.6kg

UGH, I would love to know what bumped me back up from the 84.4 I recorded the other day. Whatever it was; I WILL be making it my b*tch for the next two days. I would love to break the 83s before the end of this, though that seems to be getting more and more far fetched as the days go by... Not giving up though, quitters never win, and winners always win... That's the saying, right?

Had a lovely rest day yesterday, and had planned on another today, but sitting on my still rather plump ass didn't seem to be the most positive thing I could be doing with two days to go, so I got out and jammed around for a few hours, had a light sushi related lunch (which, in retrospect, probably wont help the cause) and hit the gym anyway. I did only take it easy today, because the old muscles are still a wee bit tender, but I figured a light walk and some crunches couldn't hurt.

Note: I was wrong about the crunches. They definately CAN hurt.

Anyway; bit of a heads up. There will be no picture up tomorrow (sorry, ladies.) as I figured it'd be better to save it until the final post. Also, Tuesday is obviously my last day, but the final edition of KMPFG will be Wednesday so I can take the final result from that morning, reflect on the month, and subsequently ramble on for paragraph after paragraph about how it went, what I felt worked, what I wish I hadn't done, and my celeb crushes. Obviously.

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