Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Post Fight Review- 30 Days Up.

Day 1
Day 30

Weight: 85kg
Total Loss over 30 Days: 8.1kg

Okay. So I didn't quite get to close this thing out in the fashion I would have liked, but as I have said a million times, I am far from done, so watch this space!

I suppose first of all, I want to cover off a couple of things. I can see this post becoming increasingly self-indulgent, which is the last thing I want. To put things in perspective, it has only been 30 days. One month is far from a trial in the grand scheme of things, and I am more than aware of that. I'm not sitting here on my laptop, admiring my sweet Adonis pecks with the impression that I have completed some massive undertaking by any means.
Having said that, it has been a pretty big change for me, and I do intend to continue on from here along the same line, which is what it was really all about. One month of changed behaviour does not a skuxx make, but a life time of better habits and a different mind-set should eventually result in b*tches washing their clothes on my abs... I think...

Secondly, 8 odd kilograms is not the world’s biggest weight loss. If you've seen the biggest loser, you know more can be achieved in a shorter space of time. I gave this a pretty good shot, while trying to maintain a pretty normal life so I'm happy with that progress, but I am aware more is possible, and admire those with the dedication to achieve it.

ALRIGHT, that should keep me from sounding like a vein a**hole right? Good.

So all up it's been a lot of stir fry, a sh*t ton of protein powder and ample time spent in the gymnasium, but it's also been fun as hell. I'm seriously going to miss writing these things every night (mainly because it feeds my massive ego). They've provided me with something to help me focus, a chance to exercise my brain in trying to make them semi entertaining, and given me a direct line to people to the tune of over 2000 hits over the last month.

That's 2000 people who gave a sh*t enough to read about me skuxxing up, which is HUGE to me. I don't even care about my progress that much, yet there are all of these people at least clicking the link every night, despite the fact that it's just Kyle 24/7. The support I received during this month has been huge, and is an excellent motivation to continue and blossom into the muscly as veloceraptor I'm sure is hiding somewhere in here. I've had congratulations, recommendations, light ribbing and HEAPs of encouragement. Thank you all for that, you've been AWESOME.

In case it's of help to anyone, I've used a few different things along the way, and will continue to do so, so I figured I'd chuck a shout out to the tools of the skuxx trade in here for sh*ts and gigs.

To track my progress, I've been using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone. It's free for f*ck sake, so you cant really go wrong. it tracks your calorie intake, lets you log your weight each day (and displays it on a super pimp graph), and adjusts as required to suit your goals. REAL HANDY.

I've been using protein powder throughout the month, generally for afternoon tea or to replace a smallish meal. The stuff I used was Myofusion Probiotic protein powder, which comes in like a trillion (read: fiveish) flavours and was pretty well recommended/reasonably priced. I got it through, who are AWESOME to deal with. As I mentioned earlier in one of my posts, they're really quick, pretty cheap, and offer great service. Also, they were kind enough to hook me up with some samples toward the beginning so that was great. Seriously recommend using them... And not because they bought my love with protein powder...

In terms of habits and things, I upped my meals to 6 a day, and reduced portion sizes. I replaced BK and McDonalds with lite yoghurts and fruit, and as I've bitched about a million times used stir fry and wraps primarily as dinners. Anyone with moderate cooking skill would be able to do better I'm sure, it seems to be all about not deep frying everything... who would have thunk it?
I also started gyming 4-5 times a week. I personally have been interspersing cardio and weights to break it up with each session, but this is pretty time consuming so probably not for everyone.

I don't really want to ramble on, so I'll leave it there. Thank you all for following this disgusting pile of self-love, I'll keep this sh*t going so you haven’t wasted too much time reading it. I may or may not post from time to time to update things, I had thought about doing an update once a week or something, but am unsure whether it would be worth reading, so we'll see how we go. Hope you've enjoyed the ride, if you want signed copies of the skuxx as pictures I've posted just hit me up (ladies). I don't want to see them on Trademe though, that’s just disrespectful.


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