Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day Twenty Three- Being Lazy Doesn't Make You Lighter- FACT.

Weight: 85.4kg

I f*cking knew sppending the majority of my day sitting on my bum region without peddling anything would come back to bite me. It would have been super pimp to have broken into the 84's today. I suppose that honour will have to wait for now. Sad face.

First of all; sorry this is a little late out. I'm sure there are many of you who have bloodied your fingertips scratching your computer screens, desperately scratching and hoping to dig your way to literary bliss. For that I apologise, but am in no way directly responsible. Please do not sue me.

In more blog-related news, I have upped my game a little at the gym in the last couple of days. The speeds/weights/settings I had been using were starting to get a little easy for my hulk-esque physique, so I bumped sh*t up a notch. I am hoping that this doesn't slow my weight loss, because I have heard that you can end up in some awkward situation where you start building muscle and your weight loss levels out. If that is to happen, atleast people might start mistaking me for Ronnie from Jersey Shore.

I hope the delay didn't cause any fatalities. Tomorrow is rest day, so it'll be on time I swear.


Monday, 30 July 2012

Day Twenty Two- Running Out of Time

Manliest dude you have ever seen... on a blog written by me...

Weight: 85.0kg
Loss For The Week: 1.6kg
Overall Loss: 8.1kg

Yayuh!  Now if I can just keep it up over the final stretch, shit should start to look pretty impressive by the end of the month.

A pretty sedentry day today is probably going to result in a gain, which is sad news. I did go balls out at the gym, so hopefully that will have counteracted my laziness atleast a smidge. Smidge? Ugh, that word sucks.

Only eight days left now, and I'm starting to worry about how much I am going to be able to achieve in that short space of time. I would still like to be even more man dime related, but I don't think I'll quite be where I would like to be by then. Not that I had ever expected to turn things around THAT dramatically in a month, but the more mediocre success I have, the more I want. I may have a gambling addiction?
Gyming early in the evening is way more boss than going at like 10.30 every god damn night. I think it's about time I started taking my gear to work and going on my way home, that way I wont have to go to bed absolutely smashed every night, and I will have way more time for activities due to the reduced travel time. SUCCESS!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Day Twenty One- ...And He Recovers!

Weight: 85.4kg

I'm pretty glad to have dropped again... mainly because I titled that last post hoping to follow it with the title of this post. I suppose it would have been a bit awkward if I had gone up... I suppose I would have had to title it "... And Falls Flat on His Face". Esh, glad that was avoided.

Another weekend gone, once again handled like a boss. This is getting easier and easier to maintain which is sensational. Just to totally contradict myself there, I am starting to really crave some delicious pizza. Given how well the month seems to be going I'm probably going to hold off the takeaways for a wee bit longer, maybe try achieve something a little more impressive, so the fact that I've decided to postpone my return to the world of delicious food and pantsless nights has me all upset on the inside.

Bonus information: I had a look through My Fitness Pal (The app I use to track my progress and calorie intake), and noticed that when I started using it waaaaay back in November 2011, I clocked in at a not so impressive 102kg. Pretty sure I was never that huge, but the numbers suggest otherwise. hideously unkeen to descend back into that state, so lets hope this hard work sticks!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day Twenty- He Stumbles...

Weight: 86.4kg

A minor slip up, yes, but luckily instead of being a whiney b*tch about it, my mentality at the moment is all "THIS. IS. SPARTA!" as far as weight loss is concerned, so instead I view this result as a declaration of war on behalf of nature. And the Germans... but we'll start with nature, the Germans have it rough enough.

A town trip tonight sounded absolutely sensational to be honest, and it took all the self control I could muster (along with the hideously cold weather) to keep me in doors. A hard day at the office will do that to you, but hopefully it was also an active day and thus tomorrows result will have a brother back on track and attempting to rap the lyrics to "Who Gon' Stop Me?"

Late gym after the warriors tonight seeing as Batman had my attention last night, so I'll be going guns a-blazing to get this love boat back on course. HOO-RAH!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Day Nineteen- Crunch Time

Weight: 85.9kg

You see that number up there? The one that starts with 8, and is followed by a 5? It's causing boners all over the show. Just that skuxx. Still heeeeaaaaaps to go, but so close to a sweet, sweet milestone that shit's getting a little exciting.
So I added crunches to my workout regime last night. Let me tell you, worst idea ever. The human body is not a deck chair, and thus is not supposed to fold in that manner. My abdominals will tell you this.

Also, I wish they were called abominables. 

Off to see my boi (Yeah, I spell like a 13 year old girl, wanna fight about it?) Batman tonight. Word on the street is it's 3 hours of some rich dude in bondage gear beating up bad guys. Usually the only cinemas showing that sort of sh*t are located out the back of erotica stores all over K Road.
I am, however, a little upset. You know what makes a good movie? Action? Hilarity? No. The answer is popcorn.
Popcorn is delicious, and a key part of the movie going experience, yet just oh so bad for my decreasing tum tum. Fuck you, nature. Why must all delicious things be so bad for me? Boys just want to have fu-un!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day Eighteen- Gym Class Hero Up in Hur!

Weight: 86.2kg

So, SO close! I'm telling you right now, when I hit the 85's I'll be sporting wood all up in this b*tch.

Back to gyming tonight which should be super pimp. My question is, at what stage do I increase my weight work and level out my cardio? I'm all for being a much smaller man-dime, but I dont want to lose to girls at manly things like arm wrestles and trucks.
Also, how is my alcohol tollerance going to be after all this? Not only have I taken a full months hiatus from being fun, but I'm pretty sure being a smaller boy is going to result in a reduced number of beverages per pantsless night.

I am genuinly concerned about this! I have few skills in this world, and being fun at parties was one of my better ones. Am I doomed to a life of weakness when it comes to drinking? I... I don't know... Atleast my first night back on the fermented dragon should be interesting...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Day Seventeen- Back on Track... Again

Weight: 86.5kg.

And so it begins. Gone are the days of easy losses and rapid success, and now we welcome the new guard; pain, frustration, and extended periods of time spent in rooms full of excercise equipment and muscular Indians.

Taking the night off the gym tonight, mainly because (as any of you who happen to be my friend on Facebook will have seen) I. Am. F*cked. Definately going to have to start implimenting a rest day every Wednesday, I just don't think my adonis frame is ready for 4-5 straight days of intense exercise yet.

You know who has exercise down? That dog who runs in it's sleep. Other than the running face first into the wall part, that fluffy bastard has it down. He's burning calories without even trying! Without even trying to try! Infact, he's probably dreaming about being Sonic the Hedgehog or chasing cars or sniffing butts, lying there in perfect bliss, all the while morphing into a dog faced kcikboxing adonis.

Lucky dog. F*ck you, and your sleep exercise. Teach me your ways.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day Sixteen- Over The Hump... Haha, Hump.

Weight: 86.7kg

Damn it. Still better than I had expected over the last weekend though, so back to progress as of tomorrow. Or atleast thats the plan.

I think the main concern at this point is how much of a dime I may become with fourteen days to go. What if I end up too dime related, and I lose all of my friends because my unnecessarily good looks threaten everyone? This is a key concern for the aspiring man-dime.

Dimeness aside, I am keeping things in perspective. At the end of the day, I've spent just over two weeks being healthier than normal. It's not a long time, and it hasn't been the world's most dramatic change, so the test will be keeping it going and continuing my sweet progress until we no longer need a washboard at the flat as you can just use my abs.

Anyway, Geordie is on once again. Time to watch my fellow man-dimes before gym time.


Monday, 23 July 2012

Day Fifteen- WOOOAAAH We're Half Way There!

One Grey Gentleman

Weight: 86.6kg
Week's Loss: 3.1kg
Overall Loss: 6.5kg

Still on track like a sweet fitness boss.

So we're half way there. How am I feeling? Do I want fried chicken real bad? Where is the pancake mix? Well, friends, I will tell you.
I am finding it much easier than I would have expected. In all fairness, prior to this endevour, I cooked once a week, max. Thus far, I've cooked every night, and even stepped outside the safe zone of stir frys and toast a couple of times. I know, it's a little selfish. The people at Mcdonalds, Burger King, and Green Jade Takeaways are potentially struggling financially thanks to my personal quest, but sometimes you just have to think about yourself instead of others.

Takeaways are no longer as appealing either. Seeing as I've put in so much time, and dedicated funds to vegetables instead of vodka, I feel like it would be a waste of my own efforts to give it up now. Don't get me wrong, at the end of this month I still plan on having takeaways from time to time, but I have zero interest in reverting back to the lazy, money wasting bastard who started this.

Writing this thing has also been super helpful. Updating this, knowing that people who know me, and complete strangers alike are reading it have helped me to stay focused, which is a bonus seeing as I'm probably the laziest person I know, and sleeping and eating deep fried objects works in oh-so well with my lifestyle. Wanna achieve something? Put yourself in a position where other people can judge the sh*t out of you; works wonders!

Anyway, you've read 14 of these already, I doubt you need this to take up too much more of your evening. Thanks for holding a brother accountable for the past 15 days; hopefully you decide to hang around for another 15!

Chur again y'all!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Day Fourteen- Rain = Unhelpful to an Aspiring Skuxx

Weight: 86.9

Yayuh, into the 86's. Seeing that number go down again was my sh*t this morning, it's like I'm winning at something, except I don't know who I'm playing against...

Of concern, however, is that the rate at which that number is decreasing is shrinking with every passing day. I don't know how much more extreme I can be here, man! I don't really want to reduce my food intake anymore, because it's all pretty good food and I think much less would make me a weak little b*tch. And then I'll lose all the arm wrestles I compete in, which would just be unacceptable. Also, I could up my gyming, but I am unsure how my body would feel about that. Maybe I should convert my room into a sweet sauna, invite a couple of guys from the RSA, and get my sweat on?

Half way point tomorrow, and I'm feeling pretty good. Not missing delicious deep fried objects as much as expected, and staying home last night was a piece of cake. Speaking of which, a girl offered me a brownie last night, guess who turned that sh*t DOWN! That would be me. What a boss, right? Will power bigger than my willy right hur.
I would imagine I will have made a bit of a gain again this weekend, as it was too wet to go outside and play, and sushi for lunch meant ample carbs, but I got out and about and tried to be atleast semi active, so hopefully it's atleast reduced from last time.

There will be another photo in tomorrows post for all of my readers who must sit down when peeing, so be sure to tune in (Views have so far been higher on days where my sweet temple is on display, coincidence? I think not). I'll probably do some kind of half way run down so expect a little more length, alot more self indulgence, and probably some b*tching about the negative progress I'm semi expecting.


Saturday, 21 July 2012

Day Thirteen- Another Weekend up in my Grill

Weight: 87.1kg

More movement in the right direction. I swear if I smash the 86's tomorrow I'll crack a serious amount of trouser lumber. This probably wont happen due to my lack of gym and a fairly relaxed day at work, but we'll try for it regardless. Hopefully I can avoid to little bit of regression last weekend brought with it, and continue my march toward skuxxdom, only time will tell.

This weekend presents itself SO much more amicably than the last. Instead of being all up in my face, taunting me, reminding me how much I appreciate drunk happenings, it presents me with a lovely break from the trial of being a working menz day in, day out. I'm more excited about gaming and doing something activity related tomorrow than I would have been had drinking been on the cards. That can't be right, can it?

Anyway, warriors are on and they are sucking. Tune in next time for more pointless ramblings and whining about sweet, sweet problems of the first world variety!

Friday, 20 July 2012

Day Twelve- Still Motivated

Weight: 87.8kg

YUS! I had been so keen to break into the 87's, I may or may not have become aroused in the pants region when it showed up on the scales this morning. Is that wierd? Nah, it's not, f*ck you.

Progress is great for a couple of reasons; obviously it's pimp because it's another step towards being a skuxx dripping in money and hoes, but more importantly, it keeps you focused and motivated. It's pretty easy to become disenchanted with the whole thing when you're not getting anywhere, but when your moving forward, even if it is in tiny baby cat steps, you want to keep going so the progress doesn't dry up.

No gym tonight; have been every night this week, and I sort of feel like my body would appreciate a bit of a break. Especially since im still nursing a sore elbow I havn't taken to time to rest and heal yet (Because I'm manly as like Rambo with less guns and better head bands). Also, I realise that pretty much directly contradicts what I just said above about being motivated, but I heard somewhere you're not meant to gym every night of the week otherwise your body has no time to recover. Plus I'm le tired.

Note: I am writing this while The Voice is on TV in the same room. I would like to make it clear that Delta Goodram (Haha, good ram. See what I did there?) looks heaps like a giant praying mantis. That is all.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Day Eleven- Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Weight: 88.1kg

So it's only .1kg, atleast it's movement in the right direction, right? I'm sure I read some sh*t about a fast as rabbit getting beaten by a tortoise with down syndrome... I am unsure.

One thing I have noticed, is that every day I've gone either up, or dropped minimally in weight, I've smashed back some carb related goodness the day before. Moral of the story? Carbs are bad, mmmkay?

PROGRESS on the weekend activities front though! I'm thinking I'll go throw a ball around or some sheet. Nice and easy, requires max one other person and doesn't require all too much skill on my part. Perfect! Either that, or hire a smoke machine for my bedroom, hit the party pills and rave it up for a day. It's a definate coin toss. Obviously, I'm not overly creative when it comes to new ways to improve performance at this; so I put it to YOU; the people reading this self involved rant: Delicious things a retarded cook such as myself could potentially make instead of GOD DAMN STIR FRYS! GO!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Day Ten- Back on Track

Weight: 88.2kg

FINALLY! Turns out doing physical activities does wonders for burning calories. Now all I have to do is keep being an active individual, and I'll be jacked to f*ck in no time.

Perhaps I should take up a weekend sport to avoid being a crazy cat lady (sans vagina, ofcourse) every weekend. Surely healthy people don't just hide inside all weekend because they aren't out spending their hard earned moneys (thats right, plural) on booze and door charges. The thing is, I have no interest in climbing rocks or walking pansy ass bush tracks. Aren't there sweet social sports teams or something? Maybe I should look into this.

OR, I could just spend all day at the gym striking up conversations with muscular indians? I have always wanted to be part of that popular group, all huddled around the weights for hours on end, flexing their indian biceps and complimenting each other on their physique.

^^ All of that, sarcasm. Just so we are clear. I have no interest in being a muscular indian. I hate that text doesn't convey sarcasm so, SO much. I'm glad we cleared that up. Choice.

Also, turns out that sounded like a wee bit of a racist rant. It was not. My issue is with the flexing and the general conduct of said indians; not so much that they are indian in the first place. Thats just how the situation happens to have played out. Leave me alone, man!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Day Nine- Back to Being a Working Menz

Weight: 89.7

God damn it, up another .2kg. WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?!

I kid, I kid. A weekend of sitting around the house and minimal gyming can be expected to slow progress. Back to work today though which meant walking around all day like the stellar sales individual I am, taking stuff to people's cars, and generally being an active dude.
Also, gym to come tonight so that should help get this train back on the fitness tracks.

Also of note, since I began this just over a week ago, I've saved so much money, I may just have to take it all out of the bank on my return to a night on the town, climb the rafters, and make it rain rapper style. But only if I take it out in dollar coins. Actually, I don't think that's the best idea. The point is, not buying delicious takeaways all the time could make me a billionare by christmas, and I could really do with being a billionare.

Gym time! (right after Geordie Shore)

Monday, 16 July 2012

Day Eight- A Week in Review

Post Gym Kyle being a skuxx of the delux variety
Weight: 89.5
Loss For The Week: 3.6kg

Alright, before we panic, I have a couple of theories regarding this turn around in progression. Firstly, I weighed myself a little later today as I had the day off, thus it was warmer... So my cold vs willy theory is still intact. Secondly. the manly beard I'm sporting is one day manlier than last week, and thats gotta weigh like 3kg.
Seriously though, the day was spent sitting around playing xbox, and while my eating was still pretty good, I had more carbs than usual yesterday, and didn't quite get my six meals. On top of all that, I had been expecting things to flatten out sometime soon, so no surprises really.

Moving right along, overall I'm fairly happy with the way this first week went. Despite my incessent bitching, it wasn't as hard as I had thought to avoid deep fried objects and turn down a night in the mighty AK. It's still a drop for the week, so thats nice.
It would be nice if my god damn gym wasn't packed when I wanted to go today, so I could have pumped some more iron and had rippling biceps for you all to marvel at, but alas.

Also of benefit, and believe me, this is probably the first time I have ever uttered these words in a positive light; I have work tomorrow. It's positive because it'll mean back to my meal routine, moving around all day, being active like a cool as fox... who sells electronic equipment... and, you know, they pay me to be there which is always nice.

Alright, all done. I didn't want this to be too long winded, so it would fit nicely between TV shows if you wanted to read it in the ads. I'm a real thoughtful guy like that.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day Seven- Survived The Weekend!

Weight: 88.8

Sooooo for the first 20 mins or so yesterdays post was reading the wrong weight... Plus side; I've continued in the right direction (all be it at a slower rate), the down side; I'm not quite as far along as anyone who may have caught it that quickly would have thought. Sorry peeps!

So made it through the weekend without getting pantsless drunk because I'm a boss. Even pretty glad, as it turns out last night was rather drama related. As a result, I woke up this morning while the sun was still up, had a productive day of washing and gaming, and am now about to venture off for another delightful gym related adventure.
On another positive note, I managed to remember to defrost some chicken for dinner, so I FINALLY managed to injest something that doesn't grow out of the dirt. I can only assume the extra protein will result in my body transforming into a muscular, hulking mass come morning, but I'll take dropping a few more grams and not having to shave due to having mondays off work.

Anywho, bit of a heads up for y'all; tomorrows post may be a little longer as I'll try review the first week of being the healthiest dude alive. It will also have pictures, which I'm sure those of you who enjoy the musings of Hugh Hefner will enjoy. Not because I'll be naked, but because you wont have to read as much. I can be naked if you want, but I'll leave that to public demand.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Day Six- Trial By Fire... Or Beer...

Weight: 89.2

So as of this morning, the number the scales shows me when I stand on them is the lowest it's been since I was a pimply faced, furry moustached high schooler. F*ckin' tops. Sometime soon it should slow down, but hopefully I can keep it moving in the correct direction.

Problem is, all I want to do tonight is get drunk, fist pump like a champion, and potentially take my pants off somewhere. The lads are having beers, soon to head to town and live it up, and here I am, writing this, eating my stir fry and patting the furry bastard cat. GREAT!
I suppose this way the chances of someone seeing my willy are lower, which is probably a benefit. But conversely, the number of people seeing my sweet dance moves is also reduced. A definate issue, not only for myself, but the general public.

Ahwell, it's only four weekends. Four. Long. Weekends. I need a hobby? Do people still do puzzles? Maybe I could train and become world Jenga champion? I just don't know. Atleast instead of feeling like a sweaty, spewy, disgusting mess, I'll feel like a boss related pimp skuxx in the morning. Yayuh.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Day Five- Mo' F*ckin' Friday Yo!

Weight: 90.4

F*ckin' Friday b*tches! Weekends are definately the part of the week that makes working worth while. All that pain, getting up early, being somewhere for 8+ that isn't bed pays off and I can use the money I've earned to turn myself temporarily into a slurry (yet remarkably entertaining) mess....

Not so much this month. I knew going in this would be one of the harder parts to cope with. Incase you havn't noticed; I like to party. And I'm generally fairly good at it. What do people who don't drink do on their Saturday nights? I guess I could become a full on geek and live in/on my Xbox for the next wee while? Or take up a sweet hobby, like model planes or stalking strange women I meet in the supermarket... Probably not so much the latter... I feel like that may be more trouble than it's worth. Plus I always sucked at hide and go seek.
None the less, this entire month I will strive not to get too rowdy, and this weekend will be the first test. Here's hoping I pass.

P.S. I was ment to include a photo of me being a gym related person in this post, but I failed in acquiring an acceptable picture. I.e. a picture of me, in the gym, without the presence of muscular indian gentlemen. I will attempt again tonight and include in tomorrow's post.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Day Four- It's Not All Hunger And Moping

Weight: 91.1

Firstly, I'm a little unsure about the weight figures so far. I'm guessing they're dropping fairly quickly because I went on a Super Size Me-esque binge the weekend before I began this (like a real winner), and am now readjusting to normal food consumption. That, or I'm weighing myself in the morning when it's cold and my willy is smaller. That could be it.

ANYWEIGH (see what I did there?), I definately love takeaways. I'm guessing I made that pretty clear in the bitch sesh from yesterday, but you know what else is f*cking dericious? F*cking pears. I was sceptical, but that sh*t is LOVELY. Potentially the best fruit, outside of melon related objects, obviously. (No inuendo intended).
Also, cooking isn't as horrible as I remember. Admittedly, I've only been making stir frys, which most one armed, near sighted children could handle, but I could pretty much live off the deliciousness they provide my tummy with.

Gym time now, didn't go last night as I managed to hurt my ankle in boss related fashion on tuesday night so I'll pump iron Arnie style tonight.


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Day Three- Know Your Enemy

Weight: 92.3

So it was the first gym sesh under the new regime last night, and I realised something: Sh*t is going to be alot harder this month if my troll brain refuses to co-operate. Pretty much forgot everything I could possibly need for a productive workout, and then hurt both my ankle and elbow while working out. What a winner, right?

The thing is, there are very few things I genuinely love in this life, but it seems every, single one of them is contradictory to what I'm trying to achieve here.

You want an example? I'll give you an example; You know what's delicious? McDonalds. And KFC. And Burger King. You know what none of those things are? Healthy. Yet there they are, being all delicious and easy. Shot, America, this one is all on you, you lazy bastards. I'll stick to my stir fry and fruit like a bawse thank you.

What's warmer, more comfortable, and (once again) easier than getting up early for breakfast? Lying in bed until the absolute last minute and then bitching about having to wait until work for cereal. This one can probably be attributed to Winter being a cold, heartless harlot, but hating winter doesn't warm my god damn nipples.

UGH, anyway, enough whining. Troll brain will come on board eventually, good things take time. Unlike things that arent good for you. Which take far less time. And are delicious. And easier. Damn.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day Two- Sh*t is Getting REAL

Weight: 93.1kg

Point of Reference... Also, wearing all grey... like a boss.

So my estimate yesterday was a little off, weighed myself thismorning and found that im actually 93.1kg of man-ness. Not too fussed, just a little more work to do I suppose.
Eating today has been pretty sweet, havn't quite started the cold sweats one gets from prolonged Burger King withdrawl which was positive.

Also, I purchased some suppliments last night at like 10.30pm from bodybuilding.co.nz (I know, makes me sound like I think I'm a Hercules). Why do you care, you ask? Because the website is balls out easy to use, they keep you updated from the minute they recieve your order to the minute they dispatch it, the prices are reasonable, AND the sh*t turned up less than 24 hours after ordering. Credit where credit is due, thats some epic service.

Anyway, things to do before gym. Update again tomorrow yo!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Day One- Putting it Out There so I Can't Back Out

Sooooo as of today, I am going to take a much healthier approach to life for one whole month. It doesn't sound like much, but what you must understand is I am one lazy sonofabitch. I don't like cooking, I gym on an extremely casual basis, and I don't play any kind of sport.
For the next month, this is all going to change. I'll be trying to eat 6 meals a day, I'll be hitting the protein powder and weight loss supplements, and I'll be gyming at least 4 times a week. Shit is about to get real.

The goal? To up my skuxx level from general skuxx to straight up man dime. Currently sitting around 92kg, I'm going balls out to basically see how much I can drop in a healthy manner. To be fair, I won’t actually be that cut up if I don’t drop that much weight, but I will be working my ass off to see results, whether on the scales or through sheer number of girls hanging off my guns at the end of the month. I'll try and update this on a daily basis, and I'll throw a picture in here and there to keep anyone who wants to read informed.

Any info will be gratefully received, and I will be interested to see if this actually ends up with more views than my usual blog. Should be interesting.

Cheers team, have fun watching me hate life for the next 30 days!