Sunday, 29 July 2012

Day Twenty One- ...And He Recovers!

Weight: 85.4kg

I'm pretty glad to have dropped again... mainly because I titled that last post hoping to follow it with the title of this post. I suppose it would have been a bit awkward if I had gone up... I suppose I would have had to title it "... And Falls Flat on His Face". Esh, glad that was avoided.

Another weekend gone, once again handled like a boss. This is getting easier and easier to maintain which is sensational. Just to totally contradict myself there, I am starting to really crave some delicious pizza. Given how well the month seems to be going I'm probably going to hold off the takeaways for a wee bit longer, maybe try achieve something a little more impressive, so the fact that I've decided to postpone my return to the world of delicious food and pantsless nights has me all upset on the inside.

Bonus information: I had a look through My Fitness Pal (The app I use to track my progress and calorie intake), and noticed that when I started using it waaaaay back in November 2011, I clocked in at a not so impressive 102kg. Pretty sure I was never that huge, but the numbers suggest otherwise. hideously unkeen to descend back into that state, so lets hope this hard work sticks!

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