Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day Twenty Three- Being Lazy Doesn't Make You Lighter- FACT.

Weight: 85.4kg

I f*cking knew sppending the majority of my day sitting on my bum region without peddling anything would come back to bite me. It would have been super pimp to have broken into the 84's today. I suppose that honour will have to wait for now. Sad face.

First of all; sorry this is a little late out. I'm sure there are many of you who have bloodied your fingertips scratching your computer screens, desperately scratching and hoping to dig your way to literary bliss. For that I apologise, but am in no way directly responsible. Please do not sue me.

In more blog-related news, I have upped my game a little at the gym in the last couple of days. The speeds/weights/settings I had been using were starting to get a little easy for my hulk-esque physique, so I bumped sh*t up a notch. I am hoping that this doesn't slow my weight loss, because I have heard that you can end up in some awkward situation where you start building muscle and your weight loss levels out. If that is to happen, atleast people might start mistaking me for Ronnie from Jersey Shore.

I hope the delay didn't cause any fatalities. Tomorrow is rest day, so it'll be on time I swear.


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