Weight: 86.9
Yayuh, into the 86's. Seeing that number go down again was my sh*t this morning, it's like I'm winning at something, except I don't know who I'm playing against...
Of concern, however, is that the rate at which that number is decreasing is shrinking with every passing day. I don't know how much more extreme I can be here, man! I don't really want to reduce my food intake anymore, because it's all pretty good food and I think much less would make me a weak little b*tch. And then I'll lose all the arm wrestles I compete in, which would just be unacceptable. Also, I could up my gyming, but I am unsure how my body would feel about that. Maybe I should convert my room into a sweet sauna, invite a couple of guys from the RSA, and get my sweat on?
Half way point tomorrow, and I'm feeling pretty good. Not missing delicious deep fried objects as much as expected, and staying home last night was a piece of cake. Speaking of which, a girl offered me a brownie last night, guess who turned that sh*t DOWN! That would be me. What a boss, right? Will power bigger than my willy right hur.
I would imagine I will have made a bit of a gain again this weekend, as it was too wet to go outside and play, and sushi for lunch meant ample carbs, but I got out and about and tried to be atleast semi active, so hopefully it's atleast reduced from last time.
There will be another photo in tomorrows post for all of my readers who must sit down when peeing, so be sure to tune in (Views have so far been higher on days where my sweet temple is on display, coincidence? I think not). I'll probably do some kind of half way run down so expect a little more length, alot more self indulgence, and probably some b*tching about the negative progress I'm semi expecting.
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