Friday, 13 July 2012

Day Five- Mo' F*ckin' Friday Yo!

Weight: 90.4

F*ckin' Friday b*tches! Weekends are definately the part of the week that makes working worth while. All that pain, getting up early, being somewhere for 8+ that isn't bed pays off and I can use the money I've earned to turn myself temporarily into a slurry (yet remarkably entertaining) mess....

Not so much this month. I knew going in this would be one of the harder parts to cope with. Incase you havn't noticed; I like to party. And I'm generally fairly good at it. What do people who don't drink do on their Saturday nights? I guess I could become a full on geek and live in/on my Xbox for the next wee while? Or take up a sweet hobby, like model planes or stalking strange women I meet in the supermarket... Probably not so much the latter... I feel like that may be more trouble than it's worth. Plus I always sucked at hide and go seek.
None the less, this entire month I will strive not to get too rowdy, and this weekend will be the first test. Here's hoping I pass.

P.S. I was ment to include a photo of me being a gym related person in this post, but I failed in acquiring an acceptable picture. I.e. a picture of me, in the gym, without the presence of muscular indian gentlemen. I will attempt again tonight and include in tomorrow's post.

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