Monday, 23 July 2012

Day Fifteen- WOOOAAAH We're Half Way There!

One Grey Gentleman

Weight: 86.6kg
Week's Loss: 3.1kg
Overall Loss: 6.5kg

Still on track like a sweet fitness boss.

So we're half way there. How am I feeling? Do I want fried chicken real bad? Where is the pancake mix? Well, friends, I will tell you.
I am finding it much easier than I would have expected. In all fairness, prior to this endevour, I cooked once a week, max. Thus far, I've cooked every night, and even stepped outside the safe zone of stir frys and toast a couple of times. I know, it's a little selfish. The people at Mcdonalds, Burger King, and Green Jade Takeaways are potentially struggling financially thanks to my personal quest, but sometimes you just have to think about yourself instead of others.

Takeaways are no longer as appealing either. Seeing as I've put in so much time, and dedicated funds to vegetables instead of vodka, I feel like it would be a waste of my own efforts to give it up now. Don't get me wrong, at the end of this month I still plan on having takeaways from time to time, but I have zero interest in reverting back to the lazy, money wasting bastard who started this.

Writing this thing has also been super helpful. Updating this, knowing that people who know me, and complete strangers alike are reading it have helped me to stay focused, which is a bonus seeing as I'm probably the laziest person I know, and sleeping and eating deep fried objects works in oh-so well with my lifestyle. Wanna achieve something? Put yourself in a position where other people can judge the sh*t out of you; works wonders!

Anyway, you've read 14 of these already, I doubt you need this to take up too much more of your evening. Thanks for holding a brother accountable for the past 15 days; hopefully you decide to hang around for another 15!

Chur again y'all!


  1. SO true Kyle! Putting your self out there so people can judge the crap out of you actually does work. I can't believe how much progress you have made! 6.5 kg would be heaps for a MONTH of hard work, let alone only two weeks. I am amazed.

    1. Thanks man! As sad as it is, the judgement of others can really offer some SWEET motivation. I'm still a fair way off where I want to be, so lots to do, but definately nice to make progress!

      Congrats on your success lately too! It's so well written I'm not at all surprised at it's popularity, but its cool to hear of the impact it's had on others.

      Future Messiah right hur!
